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#1 April 9, 2015 09:00:08

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1731
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Nice variant on Bm A G G

LANDA and I had a short jam session yesterday to a Bm A G G chord progression with a couple of suspended notes hanging in there. Very chilled.

I recorded a rhythm guitar loop and drum loop, then we took turns soloing on top.

Listen to the recorded jam



#2 April 9, 2015 10:39:36

Registered: 2014-09-08
Posts: 238
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Nice variant on Bm A G G

LANDA and I had a short jam session yesterday to a Bm A G G chord progression with a couple of suspended notes hanging in there. Very chilled.
Very nice! When a “Top 20 jammr songs” in a new topic? I often join public jams just for recording (and to listen later). I have a collection of more then 10 hours of nice songs. It would be nice to have a collection of links for the best jams and to vote for the best. It is amazing how such a nice music is played without any prior practice!
I recorded a rhythm guitar loop and drum loop, then we took turns soloing on top.
It would be nice to have a looper (with chord progression and drum loops) integrated in jammr app.

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)


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