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#1 June 23, 2015 16:16:36

Registered: 2015-06-21
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Asio4All support

I am using a guitar to usb lead and nothing is happening, can anyone help me, I can't hear myself and would really like to use your program but it just doesnt work, i selected playback audio and went through all of the settings but still nothing is coming through my speakers


#2 June 24, 2015 06:50:31

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Asio4All support

filbor: Please join a jam session and go to Help | Show log. Please copy-paste the text that is displayed (it contains technical information about your sound configuration) as a reply here on the forum.


#3 June 24, 2015 15:12:39

Registered: 2014-09-08
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Asio4All support

I am using a guitar to usb lead and nothing is happening, can anyone help me, I can't hear myself and would really like to use your program but it just doesnt work, i selected playback audio and went through all of the settings but still nothing is coming through my speakers
In jammr file/settings menu list you can find audio settings. There you can press the little flash for drop down menu and select your right usb card with your instrument entry and the right speakers. See next message too.

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)

Edited adi (June 25, 2015 03:40:48)

attachment Clipboard01.jpg (111.2 KB)


#4 June 24, 2015 15:13:09

Registered: 2014-09-08
Posts: 238
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Asio4All support

Then take care to have some good levels for mic and speakers in volume settings.

picture no. 2

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)

Edited adi (June 24, 2015 18:34:48)

attachment Clipboard02.jpg (61.3 KB)


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