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#1 Sept. 6, 2015 21:06:53

Registered: 2015-09-06
Posts: 1
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Michael, guitarist from Poland

Hi you all!
I am guitarist (electric and acustic) from Poland. I like the most play blues and funky. I am a beginner in the world of improvisation and jamming, but I really hope we will have lot of fun due to common jamming .

hear you soon!


#2 Sept. 8, 2015 07:51:07

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1730
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Michael, guitarist from Poland

I am guitarist (electric and acustic) from Poland. I like the most play blues and funky. I am a beginner in the world of improvisation and jamming, but I really hope we will have lot of fun due to common jamming .hear you soon!

Hi IggyPie,
Welcome to jammr. Hope to jam with you soon. There are often people online around 18:00-22:00 UTC.



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