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#1 Sept. 22, 2015 12:02:30

From: Other Side of the Bridge
Registered: 2015-04-27
Posts: 151
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Better Metronome

Hey Stef

A Few Little Improvements needed to Metronome system
1. Making the metronome sound switchable so we can still the Bars visible without having to listen to the sounds or visa versa

2. Colored markers for every 3rd/4th beat could making timing things easier i did some examples

3. Maybe a Multiplier for the Measure x1 x2 x3 x4 this way you could set it to 16 with a multiplier of 4 and play 12 bar blues without having to have 48 markers stretching across your screen

*Bug Report*
when on the connect to jam server browser the no of users connected stays at 0

Edited HighAction (Sept. 22, 2015 12:03:59)


#2 Sept. 23, 2015 15:42:49

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Better Metronome

Thanks for the ideas!


#3 Sept. 24, 2015 01:52:16

Registered: 2015-02-17
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Better Metronome

That's an awesome idea, High!

Main Instrument: Electric Guitar (Intermediate, 3 years).
Styles: Jazz Rock (Fusion), Smooth Jazz, Progressive Rock, Blues & Funk.
Gear: Fender Stratocaster HSH, Peavey Zodiac EX Bass Guitar, M-Audio KeyStudio Keyboard, Pod HD 500x and Pod Farm II for FX.


#4 Sept. 24, 2015 19:12:35

Registered: 2014-09-08
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Better Metronome

A Few Little Improvements needed to Metronome system
I also to suggest some usual presets drum styles, may be with drum sounds (for example four bars with some bells and whistles recorded in a separate channel different from instrument).

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)

Edited adi (Sept. 24, 2015 19:13:47)


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