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#1 Oct. 8, 2015 18:02:31

Registered: 2015-10-06
Posts: 1
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JAG (Just Another Guitarist) Love to play, about any time

Hi Friends,
I greet you from the western edge of the snow capped Rocky Mountains, but more specifically in the much less picturesque setting of my practice room. There are all kinds of guitars and basses on the wall, as well as a a keyboard and drum kit. From what I've seen, the skill levels and geek factor of this group are off the charts, so thanks in advance for your patience. Let's play!


#2 Oct. 9, 2015 05:33:50

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1730
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JAG (Just Another Guitarist) Love to play, about any time

I greet you from the western edge of the snow capped Rocky Mountains, but more specifically in the much less picturesque setting of my practice room.

Welcome, Steve!

Looking forward to jamming with you.


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