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#1 Oct. 10, 2015 16:18:26

From: Philippines
Registered: 2015-10-10
Posts: 3
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I'm new here :>

I'm a bassist willingly open to play with anybody from Friday to Sat late at night :>

I mostly play Funk/Alternative Rock, Reggae and Pop but I can handle other genres as well, I think :<.
I hope to play with you soon!

Greetings from the Philippines btw!

I'm a rockin' bird that plays the bass :>

Greetings from the Philippines btw!

Edited B7RD (Oct. 10, 2015 16:24:35)


#2 Oct. 16, 2015 07:56:37

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1740
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I'm new here :>

Hi B7RD,
Welcome to jammr. I look forward to jamming with you soon!



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