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#1 Oct. 17, 2015 14:43:47

From: Other Side of the Bridge
Registered: 2015-04-27
Posts: 151
Reputation: +    -

**Fixes Needed**

Hey Stef

Couple of Fixes need implementing

1. When Creating a private Session Person hosting session and/or people joining sessions are not indicated
on the main website where it says “1 user jamming now!”

2. When creating Private sessions i think it should default to allow all users

3. For people who hosting private sessions with backing tracks/drum loop Ect. it would be nice to have
Full control of the BPM and BPI Functions so we dont have to wait for people to vote on BPM, BPI


#2 Oct. 19, 2015 04:08:14

Registered: 2012-11-11
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**Fixes Needed**

1. When Creating a private Session Person hosting session and/or people joining sessions are not indicatedon the main website where it says “1 user jamming now!”

Private jams are only visible to users who can join them. Everyone else would think the counter is broken since they can't see the private jams. Therefore only users in public jams are counted.

A more accurate way to count users would be to check private jam access control lists so that users in all joinable jams are included.

2. When creating Private sessions i think it should default to allow all users

This is by design. It would be inconvenient to have to kick users who joined before you had a chance to set the whitelist/blacklist, and it would be disappointing/confusing for them to get kicked, too.

Do you usually allow everyone to join your private jams?

3. For people who hosting private sessions with backing tracks/drum loop Ect. it would be nice to haveFull control of the BPM and BPI Functions so we dont have to wait for people to vote on BPM, BPI

This is already implemented. Please try out the “Set BPM”/“Set BPI” items in the “Admin” menu.


#3 Oct. 19, 2015 23:24:55

From: Other Side of the Bridge
Registered: 2015-04-27
Posts: 151
Reputation: +    -

**Fixes Needed**

Private jams are only visible to users who can join them. Everyone else would think the counter is broken since they can't see the private jams. Therefore only users in public jams are counted.

A more accurate way to count users would be to check private jam access control lists so that users in all joinable jams are included.

this is a little counter productive for jammr having it not count people connected to private jams because then anyone looking at the main website would think nobody is using jammr and maybe use an alternative app, i would have thought that people should be able to see the server but just not able to join it,

thanks stef i see the BPM/BPI admin control Great stuff

Do you usually allow everyone to join your private jams?

yes i do as adding a lot of people to the access list is a bit of a chore


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