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#1 Dec. 12, 2015 16:15:31

Registered: 2015-11-24
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"Audio could not be initialized, please report this bug" message


Everything is in the title…

If I plug my M-Audio Fast Track Ultra soundcard I get this message box on jammr load: “Audio could not be initialized, please report this bug”
But if I unplug my soundcard I can reach the login dialog box.
I'm on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.
I have JACK 1.9.10 installed.

Please find the logs below which are telling me that I'm on 32 bits instead of 64 bits arch, that my Windows version (10) is unsupported or unrecognized, and that it cannot initialize my Internal PortAudio (whether or not JACK is started):
déc. 12 2015 16:06:07 DEBUG: jammr 1.2.6 (a94c1f48d54805453b65978130d90895ee8f8ff8)
déc. 12 2015 16:06:07 DEBUG: CPU architecture 32-bit little-endian
déc. 12 2015 16:06:07 DEBUG: Unsupported or unrecognized Windows version
déc. 12 2015 16:06:07 DEBUG: Qt 5.2.1
déc. 12 2015 16:06:08 CRIT: Pa_Initialize() failed: Internal PortAudio error
déc. 12 2015 16:06:10 WARN: Problem creating accessible interface for: QMessageBox(0x29faa8)
Make sure to deploy Qt with accessibility plugins.

Thank you for your help !


#2 Dec. 13, 2015 22:50:39

From: Seattle
Registered: 2015-10-24
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"Audio could not be initialized, please report this bug" message

Your last album was great, Damien. Totally psychedelic and stuff.


#3 Dec. 14, 2015 05:02:53

Registered: 2012-11-11
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"Audio could not be initialized, please report this bug" message

Hi Damien,
The Pa_Initialize() failure is preventing jammr from starting. Unfortunately there is no quick fix besides trying a different sound card (and not attaching the Fast Track Ultra while using jammr).

The next jammr update may work better on your machine. It will include updated an PortAudio library so the Pa_Initialize() error might go away. The next jammr update should be out in late January.

Sorry for the inconvenience,


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