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#1 July 7, 2016 15:22:49

Registered: 2016-07-06
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Recording with music in the background?!

Hey guys, I'm running a jammr session and want to jam along to music with Jammr in the background. When i open iTunes, or even a youtube video, i don't get any sound. And the video/music wont play, i can only hear my bass. It seems that Jammr only works when the device isn't being used by anything else. Is there a way i could listen to music and play at the same time?



#2 July 9, 2016 07:20:00

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Recording with music in the background?!

Please check first that you have the right to share the backing track you want to play under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0. You can review jammr's Terms & Conditions here:

When you transmit audio through jammr you are distributing it to other people so you will need to check that the backing track isn't encumbered by a license that forbids this.

On Mac you can use JACK to send audio between apps, for example iTunes and jammr. Check out http://jackosx.com/.


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