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#1 June 30, 2017 10:24:57

Registered: 2017-06-30
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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

I have just finished installing jammr for the first time, but having a little difficulty with getting it to work. Installation worked well after disabling the App Store block in Settings, but now I am met with a stuck “Connect to server..” and upon trying to start a new jam I get a error “Unable to create jam due to network failure (error=499).” I have a active Internet connection and I made sure that the firewall wasn't blocking anything but to no avail. Can anyone shed some light on the subject?

Running jammr v.1.2.8. on Sierra 10.12.5


#2 July 2, 2017 11:25:40

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

Hi Ravencroft,
Are you still experiencing the connection error?

There was an unexpected server reboot that caused temporary problems on Friday, June 30th. Jam sessions have been running smoothly again since then.



#3 July 7, 2017 19:41:14

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

I cant connect to a jam session but my own. I cant even connect to the public jam. I am running the latest mac OSX and also running the latest verison of Jammr and free profile. Ive ben having this issue sense january and I have ben off and on trying to figure it out. I want to be able to jam and even give this program to a few of my friends, but I cant rite now. any idea whats up? My brother is having the same problem he can obnly connect to himself, and even on the same network we cant even connect to one another.


#4 July 7, 2017 21:02:21

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

What happens when you try to connect to a public jam? If there is an error message, please post the exact message.



#5 July 7, 2017 21:11:23

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

stefanha Hello. When I try to connect to a public jam all it does is connects to my jam. It use to work fin with the older update but it only connects to my own jam and that aint what I want it to do.


#6 July 8, 2017 06:39:56

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

The server logs show connections to public jams as well as private jams. Is it possible that there was no one else in the public jam session, so it appeared like a private jam at first glance?

I will be online today (Saturday, July 8th) at 18:00 UTC if you want to try connecting again.


#7 July 9, 2017 20:49:36

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

I tried joining just now and I got this message when I punched in the word public in the surver list as this is how I connected before the last update, the message states the following. "Welcome! Tips for successful jams:
1. Set length of chord progression (in beats) with ‘!vote bpi NUMBER’
2. Set tempo with ‘!vote bpm NUMBER’ and enable Metronome button if no drums
3. Take turns soloing. For example 1 minute per person.
Topic is: KC3CDV's jam"
This is what it does all the time.


#8 July 10, 2017 05:37:32

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

Do you use a screen reader or accessibility features to interact with jammr? Please let me know the name of the software so I can take a look at how applications can support it.

The Connect dialog box hasn't changed recently but it's possible that an update to the Qt user interface framework that jammr uses has changed accessibility behavior.



#9 July 10, 2017 22:14:42

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

yes I use voiceover on the mac. I am not sure whats going on with that. I know qt can effect how voiceover responds to software as I've played with QT baced software before.


#10 July 11, 2017 06:27:26

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Networking Error (Mac OS X Sierra)

Cool, thanks for letting me know, KC3CDV. I'll test VoiceOver and see if the issue can be fixed in a jammr update.


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