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#1 July 6, 2018 04:34:31

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Focusrite Solo 2nd Gen - The sound goes in and comes out on mymonitor, but doesn't appear in Jammr

I got the Focusrite Solo 2nd generation and installed per their instructions. Tried it on the iMac as a USB input with all the settings correct - but I can hear the sounds and no one else.
Installed the software on a Windows 10 laptop and set playback and record to the Solo - same apparnt result. I could hear myself, but no email from Jammr with a ink to he recorded jam - which I assume happens when there is no sound in the jam. The other night someone popped in and jammed a bit, then aked if I was going o play. I sent a chat message that I was having problems. I did get a recording of tat jam. Tonight, no jam link.

What other options might be missing? or should I just return the audio interface and go for a different brand? Are there settings I might have missed? Appreciate any help. Thanks!

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#2 July 7, 2018 07:38:30

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Focusrite Solo 2nd Gen - The sound goes in and comes out on mymonitor, but doesn't appear in Jammr

Hi BobK,
Please try the following:
1. Set the Direct Monitor switch to Off on the Focusrite Solo. This means you will only hear yourself when the software is able to capture and play back audio successfully.
2. Record yourself in Garageband on the iMac. Then play back the audio track to check that playback works.
3. Close Garageband and start jammr.
4. Set “Play back my audio” in jammr's settings (Apple | Preferences… | Audio).
5. Now connect to a jam session. You should hear yourself and others while connected to a jam session. Others should hear you.



#3 July 8, 2018 07:38:30

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Focusrite Solo 2nd Gen - The sound goes in and comes out on mymonitor, but doesn't appear in Jammr

Once you have confirmed that the soundcard works for both capture (recording) and playback in Garageband, and that you can hear yourself and others in jammr, check one final thing:

Make sure the “Send” button in the bottom right corner of the jammr window is pressed.

This button determines whether others hear you. When it's disabled you will hear yourself but your audio is not transmitted to other users. That's useful when you're tuning up your instrument or trying to figure out the key of the music, but it needs to be enabled for you to participate in a jam.


#4 July 12, 2018 00:15:43

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Focusrite Solo 2nd Gen - The sound goes in and comes out on mymonitor, but doesn't appear in Jammr

I hav e followed all of the above steps/ It appears that the audio interface will work with Garageband, but that whenevr I log in to jammr.net, I ge a high pitch squeal and apparent feedback, although the system peferences are set to the Solo USB for both input and output. The feedback iscoming from the iMac, obviously.
Why, I don't know - maybe the geniuses at Apple didn't actually turn off the internal mic and peaker when the System Preferences were set?

There ain't no cure for the Parkinson's, but we ain't givin' up hope!


#5 July 22, 2018 07:45:17

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Focusrite Solo 2nd Gen - The sound goes in and comes out on mymonitor, but doesn't appear in Jammr

Sorry for the delay, BobK. Please check that the “Play back my audio” checkbox is ticked in jammr's sound settings, the Solo's Direct Monitor switch is set to Off, and if you're using a microphone then headphones will prevent feedback.


#6 July 22, 2018 22:44:38

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Focusrite Solo 2nd Gen - The sound goes in and comes out on mymonitor, but doesn't appear in Jammr

sorry for the delay - I logged on today. made sure tje setup would record in Garageband - bbut tehe Preferences audio settings under jammr will not allow me to shange from builtin audio input and output - nor willl it allow for a change from the Core Audio setting.
I haven't tried it, but it seems that maybe it will work with the builtin mic and headphoes - BTW, I am no longer getting the screeching, so tat seems to work now. But - I can NOT adjust the audio ni and out settings/

There ain't no cure for the Parkinson's, but we ain't givin' up hope!


#7 July 24, 2018 05:11:36

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Focusrite Solo 2nd Gen - The sound goes in and comes out on mymonitor, but doesn't appear in Jammr

The jammr audio settings cannot be adjusted while you are connected to a jam session. Try disconnecting from the jam session first.

On macOS the only audio system will be CoreAudio, so I don't think you're missing any options there.


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