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#1 March 10, 2020 21:10:23

Registered: 2020-03-10
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Daughter Wants to Perform with her band using Jammr

Hey there, Jammr-Folk,
I was excited to see that this software exists as we were thinking of using it for the following scenario:
My 14-year old daughter plays the keyboard in a rock-n-roll band here in Sarasota, Florida. She also is a rower and has to be in South Carolina in 3 weeks for a regatta. This is just the weekend where her band is signed up to participate in a Battle of the Bands here.

We had the idea that, if she had all the correct software downloaded and we were able to hook her up with speakers and a monitor, couldn't she play with her band in the contest?

The drums, keyboard, bass and guitar would all be live on stage, and she would participate live from South Carolina.

Has anyone actually tried this before? What would it require in terms of preparation?

Thanks for your input!


attachment BATTLEOFTHEBANDS-web-scaled-730x1024.jpg (118.8 KB)


#2 March 11, 2020 19:17:05

From: Freiburg
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Daughter Wants to Perform with her band using Jammr

Hey Erika,
Thats a nice idea, but it wont be possible, for jammr works with interval-jamming. This means, it is not really real time… once you, or your daughter, played an Interval it will be sent to other jammrs, those hear what you played in last Interval… if everyone stays in the correct key and time it works to jam together.
Next point is, that its not easily possible to play a whole song together…

Your daughter can join a session and try out jammr, keyboarders are very welcome, as everyone else.

Sorry for my bad english, good luck for the championship,



#3 April 1, 2020 02:20:58

From: Florida
Registered: 2020-03-31
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Daughter Wants to Perform with her band using Jammr

Can you use Jammr if you are an acoustic trio playing from sheet music?
Can you have Jam session with just three members of your choosing?

I'd like to play in trio with my friend. We play woodwind instruments and are classical players using sheet music.



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