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#1 March 17, 2020 06:54:03

Registered: 2020-03-17
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Is Jammr for vocalists/harmonizers too?


I am an avid Barbershopper (4-part a cappella harmony) and because of the recent virus outbreak, my chapter wants to still be able to practice within the confines of our homes. Can Jammr be used for vocalists too? Do we just need to make sure we are following the Metronome? I would LOVE to be able to rehearse with them, virtually. Can we use microphones or is it just instruments?

Thank you!



#2 March 17, 2020 17:50:20

From: Freiburg
Registered: 2018-10-20
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Is Jammr for vocalists/harmonizers too?

Hello Bran,

you can use microphoes in jammr and you can sing, but its not easily possible to sing in acapella harmonies together. You have to follow the metronom to stay in time and you have to set the bpi to the length of the “loop” you wanna sing. Give it a try, first starting with 16 bpi = 4 bars. Repeat the 4 bars over and over…. then you can higher up the bpi bit by bit….



#3 April 2, 2020 10:55:00

From: QLD Australia
Registered: 2020-04-01
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Is Jammr for vocalists/harmonizers too?

Interesting idea - I'm with HAH in Toowoomba QLD and was wondering the same thing. Maybe we could set enough bars say for a section of a song needing work or a page at a time. I wonder if there is a max to the BPI? If not you can just set it VERY high.

My sense though is this tool works best on a shorter repeating loop that people jam over - I'm unsure if you could do multiple retakes -eg rehearse a part. Does it continue to loop what was sung before?


#4 April 2, 2020 10:56:45

From: QLD Australia
Registered: 2020-04-01
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Is Jammr for vocalists/harmonizers too?

@branbaribass. I'd be up for running a jam and trying out options for barbershop rehearsal. I'm a lead and audio engineer so helpful for troubleshooting.


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