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#1 March 21, 2020 03:06:33

Registered: 2020-03-21
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What is the best way to connect an electronic drum set?

Any tips on how to best connect an electronic drum set to jam? I have a roland td-15kv kit and keep getting terrible feedback when I try to connect to a jam.


#2 March 21, 2020 08:11:14

Registered: 2012-11-11
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What is the best way to connect an electronic drum set?

You can connect your Roland TD-15KV drumkit to the computer with a USB cable.

Please see page 47 of the drumkit user manual:

After connecting the USB cable (and installing any necessary software from Roland), launch jammr and select the drumkit as the input and output audio device in File | Settings.

You will now hear the jam through the drumkit and others will hear your playing.


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