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#1 Oct. 3, 2013 18:45:55

Registered: 2013-09-29
Posts: 1
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Erorr with USB audio card on Windows

Hello, I tried to use Jammr with a Steinberg USB audio card where I connect a bass guitar but it gives me the same error as posted in the other thread:

This happens with all the audio engines when that audio card is selected. With the laptop default audio card there is no error but I cannot connect the bass guitar (and anyway I want to use the good audio card)

Any idea?


#2 Oct. 9, 2013 15:47:16

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Erorr with USB audio card on Windows

Hello, I tried to use Jammr with a Steinberg USB audio card where I connect a bass guitar but it gives me the same error as posted in the other thread:

This happens with all the audio engines when that audio card is selected. With the laptop default audio card there is no error but I cannot connect the bass guitar (and anyway I want to use the good audio card)

Hi stilllife00,
Sorry I missed your forum post and thank you for providing a screenshot of the error message.

Please post the contents of the log.txt file mentioned in the error message. You can click on the link when the error message dialog pops up or find the file at C:\Users\Nakajima\AppData\Local\jammr\jammr\log.txt.

It contains details about your USB soundcard and why opening failed. If you share this information we should be able to figure out how to make it work.



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