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#1 March 29, 2020 00:29:01

Registered: 2020-03-28
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more control of the individual channels

Instead of (or in addition to) mute or un-mute for each channel. Really need to control the volume of each channel at the receiving end. Each player should be able to control the mix that he hears. The bass player may want the drummer louder in his mix, the vocalist may want to hear more rhythm guitar, etc. Seems to me that should be do-able.
Even more ideal would be to have volume and also panning control on each channel so that every player can create their own stereo mix as they want to hear it. That will make it easier to hear the individual players and make for a much more pleasing mix overall. Might be tricky to do that stereo part, I don't know the technology
The free version is a good start, but these simple improvements would make a big difference!


#2 March 29, 2020 18:11:49

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more control of the individual channels

Thanks for the suggestions Mike_B!


#3 March 29, 2020 20:08:18

Registered: 2020-03-26
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more control of the individual channels

I agree Mike B - and I dont open a new discussion because if you include metronome level in a very much needed channel mixer, as a drummer you can increase the metronome volume. I experienced that instrument level is louder than metronome and the whole session is out of sync


#4 April 5, 2020 06:13:05

Registered: 2015-01-18
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more control of the individual channels


I agree. This is probably one of the most important features to add. It would also be good to see an input level meter. We just need to make sure that we are not clipping ourselves (because we may be playing with audio feedback off), and other musicians can see who the annoying person is that is shrieking and blowing their eardrums out (having to mute or have the “Mike_B” option to lower their volume)!


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