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#1 June 2, 2014 07:44:05

Registered: 2014-06-02
Posts: 5
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Video Support?

I think a great feature would be video integration, making it as immersive, and ‘real’ as possible. We connect through music, but connect so much more when we see the human face behind the instrument!

(If there already is video that I just haven't been made aware of, then oops, ignore!)

Instruments played:

Electric Lap Steel Guitar
Keyboard (MIDI Capable)
Acoustic Guitar
Diatonic Harmonica (C)


#2 June 3, 2014 05:27:55

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Video Support?

I think a great feature would be video integration, making it as immersive, and ‘real’ as possible. We connect through music, but connect so much more when we see the human face behind the instrument!

Thanks for sharing your interest in video. Video is on the roadmap but still a ways off.



#3 June 3, 2014 05:50:00

Registered: 2014-06-02
Posts: 5
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Video Support?

Thanks for sharing your interest in video. Video is on the roadmap but still a ways off.

I figured it would be! Glad to hear it's part of the plan!

Instruments played:

Electric Lap Steel Guitar
Keyboard (MIDI Capable)
Acoustic Guitar
Diatonic Harmonica (C)


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