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#1 April 4, 2020 11:01:33

Registered: 2020-04-04
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Choir singing

Hi, we are a choir that would like to use jammr for small group practices now during the coronavirus period. I have installed the program and started a jamsession but I get only noise played back at me even though I am quiet. Why does jammr not handle the regular built-in microphone in my PC? If we need extra microphones I'm not sure we will be able to use it.

Can we invite the choir to a closed group session?


#2 April 5, 2020 09:30:16

Registered: 2013-06-03
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Choir singing

Hey Katarina, you can turn off playback of your own output. You can only change your audio settings when disconnected from a server. Jammr is mainly used for instrumental improvisation but feel free to experiment.

These Tutorials might help you out :

How do I jam using jammr?
Overview of the user interface: https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1727/
How to jam successfully: https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1724/


#3 April 5, 2020 11:49:26

Registered: 2020-04-05
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Choir singing

Hi, Katarina!

Have you had any luck using jammr with your choir? I just downloaded it for the same reason, but I haven't figured it out yet. I'd love to hear if you've had any success. If so, please guide me as to how you did it.



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