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#1 Nov. 5, 2016 18:17:03

Registered: 2016-11-05
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how do i invite someone to my jam

this seemed like an awesome program, though i''m having trouble with getting a friend in my session. with the limited options i can't find how to invite him/get him in my session. am i missing a button or something?


#2 Nov. 6, 2016 12:13:26

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how do i invite someone to my jam

The easiest approach is to join the same public jam session.

If you want to use a private jam session, click the “New jam” button in the connection dialog. You will then be alone in your own jam session. Check out the Admin menu where you can configure the jam, including the “Access Control List” where you can allow or block specific people.

If you just want to jam with your friend, go to the Admin menu's Access Control List dialog and allow only your friend to join. When your friend opens the connection dialog they will see your jam session.


#3 April 1, 2020 17:41:32

Registered: 2020-04-01
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how do i invite someone to my jam

I downloaded the app and created an account. But I don't see any admin buttons or setting buttons to start jamming or to send a message or to create an session.


#4 April 1, 2020 17:44:16

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how do i invite someone to my jam

I am logged on and has my name : Hi Aaron – but the page has 4 drop down menus; how it works, premium, help and forum. Am I missing the admin or other drop down menus?


#5 April 4, 2020 08:25:05

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how do i invite someone to my jam

I am logged on and has my name : Hi Aaron – but the page has 4 drop down menus; how it works, premium, help and forum. Am I missing the admin or other drop down menus?
hi akula, that's just the website you are looking at there - you need to download the software to use jammr.


#6 April 7, 2020 16:29:13

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how do i invite someone to my jam



#7 April 8, 2020 07:17:22

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how do i invite someone to my jam

Hi bookman22,
That's right. All premium features are currently available to free users.

We will announce when premium is launched. The available features will be different but you'll still have the option of using jammr for free.


#8 April 8, 2020 15:52:23

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how do i invite someone to my jam

How do I reset my password.


#9 April 8, 2020 15:55:44

Registered: 2020-04-01
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how do i invite someone to my jam

I am logged in and I downladed the software. But it is not recognizing my passowrd. How dO I reset password


#10 April 11, 2020 12:12:44

Registered: 2020-04-02
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how do i invite someone to my jam

I am logged in and I downladed the software. But it is not recognizing my passowrd. How dO I reset password
just make a new account?


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