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#1 April 11, 2020 21:08:14

Registered: 2020-04-11
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VST plugins

Image Line Groove Machine - standalone/vst GrooveBox/ Sampler/ Music Workstation/ Virtual Synth
Working realy good, with no problems for me.

Loopcloud 5 Vst version works also fine, from time to time, can hear lil sound scratch, after few seconds vst's countinuing working normal. Don't know what is wrong with it, don't think, i have trial/lite/demo version of plugin or something like this, everything is working normal everywhere where i use this vst, only here not.

Today will try with Sony Acid and ReBirth


#2 April 27, 2020 21:58:20

Registered: 2020-03-28
Posts: 51
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VST plugins

Anybody know of a good brick-wall limiter for use on a mac?

Multiple mac users in our group use mics and we have a lot of clipping issues. I'd like to get one simple brick-wall limiter in there with a meter in Jammr for visibility & clip protection.

The easier & simpler to install the better…


#3 Jan. 13, 2025 06:33:48

Registered: 2025-01-02
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VST plugins

VST plugins are software tools used in digital audio workstations (DAWs) to add virtual instruments and effects. These plugins can simulate real instruments, like pianos and drums, or provide audio effects, such as reverb, EQ, and cox internet provider compression. VSTs enhance music production, allowing for more creativity and flexibility in sound design, mixing, and mastering, with both free and paid options available.


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