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#1 March 28, 2020 17:23:26

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More capacity added - no more problems creating private jams

Recently some users experienced issues creating new private jam sessions. This was because there was not enough capacity to run so many jam sessions at once.

We've added more capacity now so there should be no problems creating private jams.

Happy jamming!


#2 March 30, 2020 14:18:19

From: Freiburg
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More capacity added - no more problems creating private jams

Thanks alot, Stefan.
Now Jammr is running without problems when starting new jam.
Thats great…


#3 March 30, 2020 21:23:43

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More capacity added - no more problems creating private jams



#4 March 31, 2020 17:04:35

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More capacity added - no more problems creating private jams

Hi, I am brand new to this. I am finding it very hard to figure out how to navigate this site.

What I want to be able to do is facilitate song circles, so that participants can hear each other and sing multi-part harmony parts, without the distortion, feedback, lag, etc. of other existing platforms.

Somebody mentioned jammr as a platform that allowed 10 people to be on/audible with each other at a time.
However, I do not see how to create a ‘closed jam’, it just gives a window for how to start and set up metronome, beats, etc. but I don't see any indication of …. how to proceed, how to be audible (is it only audio, people aren't visible to each other at the same time?) and how to invite others…..

Please advise! (or please clarify if this platform is really not suitable for what I'm trying to do!)

Thank you, Carol Bardenstein


#5 April 2, 2020 03:38:54

Registered: 2020-04-02
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More capacity added - no more problems creating private jams

Hi, I am brand new to this. I am finding it very hard to figure out how to navigate this site. What I want to be able to do is facilitate song circles, so that participants can hear each other and sing multi-part harmony parts, without the distortion, feedback, lag, etc. of other existing platforms. Somebody mentioned jammr as a platform that allowed 10 people to be on/audible with each other at a time. However, I do not see how to create a ‘closed jam’, it just gives a window for how to start and set up metronome, beats, etc. but I don't see any indication of …. how to proceed, how to be audible (is it only audio, people aren't visible to each other at the same time?) and how to invite others….. Please advise! (or please clarify if this platform is really not suitable for what I'm trying to do!)Thank you, Carol Bardenstein

I have the exact same situation. I'm not seeing any documentation anywhere! How does this thing work?


#6 April 12, 2020 13:45:35

Registered: 2012-11-11
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More capacity added - no more problems creating private jams

Hi cbardens and greenberger,
jammr is designed for improvising together to a chord progression. It's not ideal for singing together because jammr is live but not real-time.

You hear what others played last time around the chord progression, and they hear what you played last time around. This works great for improvisation, taking turns soloing, practicing sections of a song, etc but not for things that really require real-time.

If you want to try creating a private jam session, you can do it as follows:

Click the “New jam” button in the “Connect to server…” dialog. You
will be in an empty jam session and can control who is allowed to join
by going to Admin | Access Control. Once you've entered your
bandmates' usernames they will see the jam session and be able to join
when they open the “Connect to server…” dialog.

See here for an overview of the user interface: https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1727/
Here is a guide to jamming successfully: https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1724/


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