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#1 April 19, 2020 20:57:06

Registered: 2020-04-19
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New user interface issues

I am a new user trying to set up the interface to connect. I have a Behringer UDC22. I can get audio output to my headphones. However when I try connect to a Jam. I get a vonnection error. When I select my on board laptop mic and speaker it seems to work. I am connected to my modem via ether net. Please advise.


#2 April 20, 2020 08:34:29

Registered: 2013-06-03
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New user interface issues

Hey Btown, what error do you get?


#3 April 20, 2020 19:50:22

Registered: 2020-04-19
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New user interface issues

I am not getting an error as such. More just not getting any input signal. To the platform.  I am using a Behringer UMC2. The the highest model. Would that be an issue. The output to my head phones work well. I am not sure if this interface works well with this type of platform. Do you have limits on what latency is allowed?


#4 April 20, 2020 22:28:34

Registered: 2020-04-12
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New user interface issues

I am not getting an error as such. More just not getting any input signal. To the platform.  I am using a Behringer UMC2. The the highest model. Would that be an issue. The output to my head phones work well. I am not sure if this interface works well with this type of platform. Do you have limits on what latency is allowed?

What I would suggest you do is install Reaper (free to test with, but you should buy if you're going to keep it) and using the same drivers as Jammr, try to record something.

If that works, then try again in Jammr.


#5 April 21, 2020 18:03:03

Registered: 2012-11-11
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New user interface issues

Hi BTown,
The following steps will take you through setting up audio. Please let us know if you have any questions along the way!

1. Please listen through headphones when using a microphone. This
prevents feedback that occurs when a microphone picks up the sound
from the speakers.

2. Connect USB/Firewire devices before starting jammr. jammr does not
see devices that are connected after startup.

3. Go to File | Settings (Windows) or jammr | Preferences (Mac) before
joining a jam session and select the input/output devices you wish to use.
In most cases the Audio System, Latency, and Sample Rate settings can
be left at their default values. On Windows the “Windows WDM-KS” and
“WASAPI” audio systems are preferred and work best.

4. Enable “Play back my audio”. If your audio interface has “hardware
monitoring”, “direct monitoring”, “zero-latency monitoring”, or a
similar feature, disabling it is recommended. Although this increases
the latency that you hear slightly, it ensures you hear yourself exactly
the same way that others will hear you.

5. Join a jam session and enable the Metronome button in the
bottom-right corner of the jammr window. You should hear the
metronome click if audio output is working.

6. Play a note on your instrument or say something into the microphone
and you should hear yourself through your headphones. This confirms
that audio input is working.

7. Check that the Send button in the bottom-right corner of the jammr
window is enabled. This button controls whether others can hear you.

Now you should be able to hear others and they should be able to hear


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