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#1 May 1, 2020 06:28:30

Registered: 2020-03-28
Posts: 51
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Channel select for multi-channel interfaces

When connecting to my focusrite, despite boatloads of ins & outs, Jammr only offers one selection. (Which appears to always be channel 1.)

It would be nice to pick & choose which specific channel to use for input & output. That would provide greater flexibility with routing back & forth with DAW, etc.


May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: “Focusrite USB (fniusbwave_48)” (48)
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: Channels: 8 in, 0 out
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: Default sample rate: 48000 Hz
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: Input latency: 0.01 low, 0.0853333 high
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: Output latency: 0.01 low, 0.0853333 high
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: “Analog Out (fniusbwave_48)” (49)
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: Channels: 0 in, 8 out
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: Default sample rate: 48000 Hz
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: Input latency: 0.01 low, 0.0853333 high
May 01 2020 05:58:56 DEBUG: Output latency: 0.01 low, 0.0853333 high


#2 May 1, 2020 17:14:28

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1740
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Channel select for multi-channel interfaces

Thank you! Support for selecting channels will be added.


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