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#1 May 4, 2020 07:46:49

Registered: 2020-03-25
Posts: 2
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Text popup on entering jam

Loving the app, thanks for all your continuing hard work!

When creating a new jam (and making it public) I would love to see the ability to add a customisable text popup that is seen by all people joining the jam similar to the ‘agreement’ on Ninjam.

This could display chords, a welcome, and a description of the intended vibe, as well as any ground rules that the host wants to put forward. Currently its necessary to use the chat which means copy/pasting this type of info every time someone new joins the jam which interrupts the flow if you're trying to play.

I think framing the jam using text could be very powerful in adding a bit more creative direction to the playing. For example I would love to play musical ‘games’ with rules communicated via the popup. It would also mean that players who go against the rules have more grounds for being kicked as they received fair warning.



#2 May 5, 2020 06:25:18

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1731
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Text popup on entering jam

Thank you, SkinnyVinny! This sounds useful. Today each jam session has a “topic” (like a title) that can be set, but it's just one sentence. Having a longer welcome message that can be customized would be nice.


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