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#1 May 20, 2020 21:18:30

Registered: 2020-04-25
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Is using a Looper considered proper Jammr etiquette?

I would like to record a chord progression in a looper and then jam to that in a public session. It would be great for others to join in as the chord progression plays on the looper. Is using a looper considered proper Jammr etiquette? If I don't use the looper then all I can do is play the chord progression continuously while others jam, or I can join some other session and jam to their chord progression.


#2 May 21, 2020 08:52:52

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Is using a Looper considered proper Jammr etiquette?

I would like to record a chord progression in a looper and then jam to that in a public session. It would be great for others to join in as the chord progression plays on the looper. Is using a looper considered proper Jammr etiquette? If I don't use the looper then all I can do is play the chord progression continuously while others jam, or I can join some other session and jam to their chord progression.

Hi gloukes,
The short answer is: yes, loopers are fine! Use loopers to support the jam and leave space for others to play.

I use a looper when there are not enough people to play the chord progression. For example, if there is one guitar, bass, and drums then it can be nice to have a rhythm guitar loop playing the chord progression.

Since all levels of musicians play together on jammr sometimes there is no one except you that can keep the chord progression going (playing a chord progression to the beat requires skill that is often overlooked!). In that case a looper can allow you to play a solo before returning to playing the chord progression again later.

If your looper has a tempo (BPM) setting and a quantize feature then it's easy to sync it to jammr. If not, then you might find it's hard to keep the loop from drifting away from jammr's metronome.


#3 May 21, 2020 13:36:10

Registered: 2020-04-25
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Is using a Looper considered proper Jammr etiquette?

Thanks. Can you recommend a looper with tempo and quantize features that will sync to jammr? Is it possible to run a looper as a VST plugin in jammr that will allow you to record and loop a rhythm guitar part? I am using Win 10.


#4 May 22, 2020 06:12:06

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Is using a Looper considered proper Jammr etiquette?

Yes, VST plugins can be used.

I have been using the looper that's built into my guitar effects processor and haven't tested others, so I can't make a recommendation.

A free and very powerful looper is Mobius: http://www.circularlabs.com/

More detail on how to sync a looper to jammr:
1. Set the BPM on the looper to the same BPM number that is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the jammr window.
2. Enable the “quantize” feature on the looper. This starts and ends the loop on the beat so that it is exactly as long as the chord progression and does not drift.


#5 Jan. 31, 2021 10:45:39

Registered: 2021-01-27
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Is using a Looper considered proper Jammr etiquette?



#6 Feb. 6, 2021 11:06:38

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Is using a Looper considered proper Jammr etiquette?

Hi Boomer,
Different devices will drift out of sync over time. It depends on the devices but I've found my looper pedal stays in sync for the length of time that I usually jam (45 minutes - 2 hours).

It is not necessary to start the loop on the first beat of jammr's metronome. However, getting it as close as you can may help others who want to enable jammr's metronome. The key thing is to set the looper to the same BPM as jammr and for the loop length to be as long as jammr's interval (Beats Per Interval).

The situation is similar with a drummer. If the drummer is playing at the same BPM as jammr and the chord progression matches jammr's BPI then everyone will be in sync. They can disable the metronome (the drummer probably needs to keep the metronome on to make sure they stay in sync).


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