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#1 March 27, 2020 21:46:16

Registered: 2020-03-25
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What's Your Instrument?

Something to tell others what you are playing, instead of muting people to figure out who's playing what.


#2 March 28, 2020 16:51:49

From: Oxford, UK
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What's Your Instrument?

Something to tell others what you are playing, instead of muting people to figure out who's playing what.

It would be helpful if we could add instrument (or instruments) to our profile so we can see what reach other plays


#3 March 29, 2020 20:11:36

Registered: 2012-11-11
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What's Your Instrument?

Nice idea, thanks!

You can already add instruments to your profile but they are currently not displayed during the jam:


#4 March 31, 2020 20:18:12

Registered: 2020-03-07
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What's Your Instrument?

Yes, it would be useful to be able to display and sort for instruments. Maybe also have rooms based on that. For example if there's already a drummer or a bass player, probably it's not necessary to join a room to play but just to listen.
There's a lot of nice ideas that can be implemented.
I really like for example how it's sorted in jamkazam.com
If jammr.net would have something like that would really rock
Sometimes there's mess around because of little or no organization in rooms.
Just my 2 cents


#5 April 17, 2020 22:44:39

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What's Your Instrument?

I would like to support this request. It would be very helpful to see others instruments, but it would also be important to be able to switch it during jam sessions. There are a lot of musicians who are able to switch to another instrument when their current is already represented.


#6 June 25, 2020 05:17:31

Registered: 2020-06-08
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What's Your Instrument?

I like this idea. Knowing what instruments are being played from the Connect panel would also be great, in addition to seeing them while in the Jam.

For single instrumentalists, auto populate the instrument when they join the Jam, and consider making this an option in the Jammr Profile.

For multi-instrumentalists, maybe support a “default” instrument in the Jammr Profile that can auto-populate, but also provide the ability to change or multi-select while in a Jam, for example for a player who also can add a drum loop, and/or chord background from a Plug-In, while playing their main instrument into the Intervals.


#7 June 28, 2020 06:41:24

From: Alberta
Registered: 2020-04-04
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What's Your Instrument?

Something to tell others what you are playing, instead of muting people to figure out who's playing what.

Maybe a SOLO button would be easy to implement in the meantime, as it has the opposite logic of MUTE. Just a thought…
Thanks, Hardy

Hardy Braun
Talent is only the beginning!



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