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#1 Aug. 16, 2020 13:49:59

Registered: 2020-05-01
Posts: 3
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Getting started

Hey everybody! I'm a guitarist who needs to play with some people again!
Can anyone tell me how to get a jam session going or get involved in one? I can open jammr, but then it just shows:
“Public jam - Play nicely 120bpm/16 0/0”.
What am I supposed to do?
Jammr doesn't seem to have customer support so any help is very appreciated!


#2 Aug. 17, 2020 10:44:28

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1731
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Getting started

This forum is the place for support. You can also email info@jammr.net for help.

There are some guides in the Technical Support section that will help you get started:
User interface overview - https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1727/
How to jam together successfully - https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1724/
Audio setup guide - https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1987/

The Connect to server dialog lets you see which jam sessions are currently available. “Public jam - Play nicely 120bpm/16 0/0” is a public jam session but 0/0 indicates there are currently no users playing. Try joining the jam session (by double-clicking on it) and waiting for a few minutes to see if someone else joins. The number of people online varies throughout the day.

Hope this helps you get started! Please let me know if you have any questions.


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