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#1 March 20, 2020 08:34:17

Registered: 2012-11-11
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macOS unidentified developer warning (how to install jammr on Mac)

jammr is currently not in the App Store. macOS will display a warning that jammr comes from an unidentified developer when you install it.

Here are instructions from Apple on how to give it permission to install:


#2 Aug. 26, 2020 04:08:42

Registered: 2020-04-09
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macOS unidentified developer warning (how to install jammr on Mac)

Thanks for posting the work-around.

I'm a developer and have a Mac and Apple dev account. I'm down with helping get jammr certified and in the App Store.

Robb Shecter


#3 Aug. 30, 2020 10:27:23

Registered: 2012-11-11
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macOS unidentified developer warning (how to install jammr on Mac)

Thanks Robb! The next jammr release will be notarized so that this workaround won't be needed (the beta is already notarized).


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