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#1 Oct. 28, 2020 11:14:16

From: Texas
Registered: 2017-02-11
Posts: 71
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How bout an Individual Pan feature

We could sonically position ourselves in the room and would create a more stereo type sound in the room….

Do a Pop Up GUI where you can drag your dot around in the room that shows everybody’s dots….
Or just a Left - Right Position Bar ….on constant display, ez to change….

Edited LowDown (Oct. 28, 2020 21:43:00)


#2 Nov. 8, 2020 16:49:55

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1731
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How bout an Individual Pan feature

Hi LowDown,
jammr is currently monophonic. Stereo support is planned so it may be possible to do this in the future.


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