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#1 Jan. 14, 2021 00:55:39

Registered: 2021-01-14
Posts: 1
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I've Been Playing at Playing Guitar - Ready To Get Serious

Good day, great people!

I am new to this forum and learning an instrument. I'm in my 50s and I still have a great deal of energy and zest for life. I hope to have a groovy time meeting new people, but more importantly, I hope to really learn to play some songs on this guitar. I thought I wanted to be someone who knows how to read music and do all that other shit, but I'm too lazy right now to do all that. A few songs around the campfire would be lovely, and a way to soothe myself when I'm heartbroken is cool too.


#2 Jan. 15, 2021 09:33:07

Registered: 2012-11-11
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I've Been Playing at Playing Guitar - Ready To Get Serious

Welcome SweetMamaJai! Looking forward to jamming with you.


#3 Jan. 16, 2021 18:20:55

From: Ottawa - Canada
Registered: 2020-03-20
Posts: 80
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I've Been Playing at Playing Guitar - Ready To Get Serious

Welcome to Jammr! Amazing environment to play, learn and make new friends. Hope to see you online soon

Guitar/Keys/DrumLoops + Chaos


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