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#1 March 22, 2020 17:22:24

Registered: 2020-03-22
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volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor is ESSENTIAL

is it possible?


#2 March 24, 2020 09:13:03

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volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor is ESSENTIAL

jammr does not have volume controls. Instead everyone sets their input volume (on their sound card, computer software volume control, or instrument) so they fit into the mix.

There are pros and cons to having volume controls and this topic has previously been discussed in the Wishlist sub-forum. Volume faders may be added in the future.


#3 April 17, 2020 00:16:29

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volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor is ESSENTIAL

The current system has its drawbacks, the main one being I’m often trying to follow the metronome while its being drowned out by everyone else. Synthesizers and distorted guitars often come in too loud and they just don’t know any better. So far the only way to manage it is to keep a switched mic near my kit so I can yell at someone if they’re too loud.

If it is possible to add volume faders (and maybe some kind of simple 3-5 segment led style VU meter), Please do it. The software lets me mute people individually, adding a multiply by 0.0-1.0 to each stream should hopefully be a straightforward add. Then I can turn everyone down so I can hear the metronome and get some proper gain staging.

Edited eb_liveDrums (April 17, 2020 00:20:37)


#4 Jan. 31, 2021 13:07:13

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volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor is ESSENTIAL

I would say the same. Not being able to create own mix make whole expirience harder. People tend to make their instrument bit louder then others. It's normal. But this make chaos, mainly guitars are way to loud. Currently the only way to fix it is just to mute them. And that's what I'm doing. It would be nice just to control volumes to make it sounds good and enjoyable. +1 for this feature


#5 Feb. 6, 2021 11:09:50

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volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor is ESSENTIAL

Hi eb_liveDrums and Siergiejl,
VU meters and faders will be added to help with getting a good mix. Thanks for the feedback!


#6 Feb. 10, 2021 08:03:15

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volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor is ESSENTIAL

Hi eb_liveDrums and Siergiejl,VU meters and faders will be added to help with getting a good mix. Thanks for the feedback!
That's a great news! This will make setting good mix super easy


#7 April 24, 2021 13:30:46

From: Ottawa - Canada
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volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor is ESSENTIAL

This update would really make Jammr amazing, it's already great… but this is a struggle in most sessions I join where all the volumes are erratic leaving you having to mute people too loud

Guitar/Keys/DrumLoops + Chaos


#8 June 20, 2022 11:05:52

From: Hamburg
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volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor is ESSENTIAL

Persönlich gefällt mir das neue Jammr Update sehr gut!


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