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In recent sessions, we have experienced gaps in the recorded output. This is new behavior. Screenshot attached.
Our last clean jam was 4/9/21.
Timing-wise, I believe it started after this update - possibly a coincidence:
Attachments: After-Apr-10.png (71.9 KB)
I don't think content is dropped…
I think the blank spaces are inserted…
Hi shawnb,
Thanks for posting the screenshot. Please send the recorded jam link and I'll investigate.
Links sent via PM!
In case it helps… The gaps appear to be ~4 measures, 16 beats. I'm pretty sure that in the examples, we had bpi set to 32, 8 measures in 4/4. So the gaps are not an interval in duration, but ~half of one. I'm pretty sure we are all 44.1k/16bit.
Just to double-check: were you running the latest stable jammr client (1.3.0)?
There was a bug in the 1.3.0 beta releases where there were periodic dropouts.
Nope, it says I'm on 1.3.1. I think from testing the midi clock enhancement a while back.
I'll revert back to 1.3.0.
Thanks for sending the links. I have looked at the waveforms to find clues about the nature of the problem.
All users were affected so the issue is probably not specific to the client version.
Did you hear the silent intervals during the jam session or just in the recordings?
Only in the recording.
I was the host, & I was on 1.3.1. I am trying 1.3.0 tomorrow.
It's very odd that it appears the gaps were inserted. Edit them out on the drum track & it seems to plays continuous nicely. The issue appears to be post-recording.