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#1 Dec. 15, 2013 20:08:04

Registered: 2013-12-14
Posts: 2
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Hi everybody, so I guess i'm going to be the first one introducing myself.

I'm 29, I'm french, I play a little bit of bass and guitar (although I don't have a guitar for the moment due to moving abroad), and a lot of saxophone(s). And i'm a guy, too.

I like to play various style of music, such as classic, funk, rock (that includes metal too), and a little bit of jazz.

My setup is :

Cort B4FL bass connected to a behringer xenyx 302 mixer with USB interface. For my first jam I didn't use any virtual amp since my interface has a preamp, but sometimes I use rocksmith or virtual amp to play solo.

I do (or at least used to do) a little bit of homestudio to record my own music, available here : https://soundcloud.com/chewy-boogie

Nice to meet you all, I hope to be hearing you soon !

Edited chewy4321 (Dec. 16, 2013 18:17:10)


#2 Dec. 16, 2013 07:46:32

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1731
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Hi chewy4321!
Welcome to jammr . It was fun jamming together on Saturday. Looking forward to playing again sometime.



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