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#1 Sept. 12, 2021 09:04:31

Registered: 2021-03-26
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Apologies to all and a small thought.

Yesterday at the last Jam where I play I didn't get properly the bars secuence to play a Blues and I would like to say sorry to all of the players but the true was that I wasn't the only one and that I think that is rude in a open and public Channel point to a player in concrete and offer to all the rest of players to go to a private Channel.

In jammr I learning a lot from all the great players that are here and I have people above and bellow my level as every body here but I never Will disrespect a player or empty a room for an individual mistake.

Well I supouse that would be other opinions and that every body is free to point, offer, choice and speak in the jams but I'm pretty sure that every body here makes mistakes and as I say I considere that is rude and sad.

Looking forward to play whit whoever want be pacient and share to all. Take care guys, see y all.


#2 Sept. 12, 2021 18:37:33

Registered: 2016-04-24
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Apologies to all and a small thought.



#3 Sept. 12, 2021 19:44:07

Registered: 2021-03-26
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Apologies to all and a small thought.

Thanks man!! I thought that Will be good to speak my mind thats all.
always respecting other opinions or felings for sure.


#4 Sept. 17, 2021 15:39:18

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Apologies to all and a small thought.

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience, BassHammer! I enjoy playing together.


#5 Sept. 17, 2021 21:33:48

Registered: 2014-09-08
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Apologies to all and a small thought.

I thought that Will be good to speak my mind thats all.
I am a very bad player but for me listening to all great musicians was such a great time. In the last six years I surely learned a lot of new things about music while I was not a pleasant participant for the others but good musicians usually supported my presence. May be I have to try to schedule a private jam to let people know to join a “beginner jam” where good musicians to have a “teacher” like role…

I like ukulele, recorder, guitar, drum, piano (absolute beginner)

Edited adi (Sept. 18, 2021 11:40:07)


#6 Sept. 18, 2021 07:51:01

Registered: 2021-03-26
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Apologies to all and a small thought.

Thanks Stefania!! Me to I enjoy playing whit all kind if musicians and jammr is a great software to all of us.

Adi!! It's always a pleasure meeting you here man. I think you have to play whenever you like. See y!!


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