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#1 Oct. 5, 2014 16:48:46

Registered: 2014-10-04
Posts: 4
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Drummer here!

Hi there!

I play an e-drum kit and found this yesterday and it's really cool!

I also play Bass, Guitar and a little Keyboard. I hook up with a Scarlet 8i6 and Superior Drummer for the e-kit and Guitar Rig for the guitars. Trying out VSTs for the keyboard.

Oh, I'm from Argentina, looking forward to jamming around the world!


#2 Oct. 5, 2014 19:48:31

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1730
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Drummer here!

Hi there!I play an e-drum kit and found this yesterday and it's really cool!I also play Bass, Guitar and a little Keyboard. I hook up with a Scarlet 8i6 and Superior Drummer for the e-kit and Guitar Rig for the guitars. Trying out VSTs for the keyboard.Oh, I'm from Argentina, looking forward to jamming around the world!

Had a great time jamming together at the weekly Saturday jam session. It was a blast!


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