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#1 Nov. 2, 2014 10:46:17

Registered: 2014-11-02
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Buenos días a todos
Me presento. Soy Javier y toco la batería. Soy mu nuevo en esto de la Jam session y más en “on Line”.
Espero tener una gran experiencia con vosotros.
Bueno ya iré poco a poco averiguando como contactar con vosotros porque esto es totalmente nuevo para mi.


#2 Nov. 2, 2014 10:55:17

Registered: 2014-11-02
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Hola de nuevo
Os indico un enlace donde podéis descargaros un MP3 de una pista funk como batería el menda.



#3 Nov. 2, 2014 21:45:37

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Buenos días a todos
Me presento. Soy Javier y toco la batería.

Welcome FJDLCA!


#4 Nov. 3, 2014 12:27:10

Registered: 2014-11-02
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I need help to start the softwere JAMM. I open it and conect to internet. Also I add VTS AdictiveDrums 2 and it open the interfaz. But wich is the follow step?, I see the BP working 120 bpm but nothing more….
Do I have to wait any mesagge from other musicians?
Many thank.


#5 Nov. 3, 2014 18:01:41

Registered: 2012-11-11
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I open it and conect to internet. Also I add VTS AdictiveDrums 2 and it open the interfaz. But wich is the follow step?, I see the BP working 120 bpm but nothing more….Do I have to wait any mesagge from other musicians?

When you open jammr there is a window where you can select to join a jam session or create a private jam.

It sounds like there were no other musicians online when you tried it. That's why you didn't see anyone else.

There are weekly jam sessions on Friday 19:00 UTC and Saturday 19:00 UTC. Try again at that time, if possible, and you'll definitely meet people to play with!

Or announce your own jam session on http://forum.jammr.net/6/. It's best to announce 24 hours in advance so other people have time to read your post.



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