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#1 May 17, 2023 11:17:01

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Harpejji - neat instrument

Andrew Huang and Rob Scallon made a fun video about the harpejji instrument:

It's neat that the strings are automatically muted when you don't touch them. Guitars could benefit from that too.

I would love to try a harpejji some day. They cost a lot, so I probably won't get one myself .


#2 May 17, 2023 19:54:58

Registered: 2023-04-15
Posts: 2
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Harpejji - neat instrument

Not strings but pickups are muted. That gives more options, like you could get a sustain pedal and not mute pickups, probably.

There are way too many cool instruments that one would like to try


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