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#1 Dec. 31, 2023 20:43:03

Registered: 2023-12-31
Posts: 1
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Hello from Mid Missouri

This seems like it can be a lot of fun.. I'm kinda stuck with nobody else to play with…
I played saxophone in school and am starting again.
This past year I'm learning guitar and I really need to start playing with others live.

My main question to start off, If I'm connected to a public jam and I need to pluck at stuff to get lined out with what's playing people can just mute my disastrous sounds???


#2 Jan. 2, 2024 20:14:47

From: Ottawa - Canada
Registered: 2020-03-20
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Hello from Mid Missouri

Welcome rugsRme!

Jammr is a great time. There is usually a jam daily starting between 4-6 PM EST. There are also some permanent residents who are in the jam waiting for others to join so if you join one and don't hear anything, make some noise.

And to answer your question, yes you can mute yourself by clicking the send button. just don't forget to turn it back once you find your rhythm!

Guitar/Keys/DrumLoops + Chaos


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