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#1 Nov. 22, 2016 00:30:12

Registered: 2016-11-20
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How to improve latency?

I am connecting to jammr using my Scarlett 2i2 and the latency (~60ms) is noticeable enough to effect my playing if I don't direct monitor. I have tried all my settings and if I chose any lower latency settings than 23 or 47 I get fuzz (not enough samples). In ableton with the same setup I can get around 3-12ms depending on effects etc. Any ideas on improving my latency? Is there any way to use ASIO as opposed to the current options?


#2 Nov. 25, 2016 17:39:27

Registered: 2012-11-11
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How to improve latency?

I use the Scarlett 2i4 and am surprised you experience this latency. Are you using the WDM KS audio system in jammr's sound settings? That's usually the best one but you can also try WASAPI.

jammr does not support ASIO.


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