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#1 April 4, 2014 19:08:12

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Weekly jam - Saturday April 5th, 19:00 UTC

Join our weekly jam session on Saturday March 5th, at 19:00 UTC:

  • Play jam sessions in different styles
  • The easiest way to try out jammr
  • Jam with musicians from around the world

USA - 3:00 PM EDT, 2:00 PM CDT, 12:00 AM PDT
UK - 20:00 GMT
Germany, France, Austria, Sweden, Denmark - 21:00 CET

More world times here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140405T1900

Come play with other jammr users!


#2 July 4, 2014 12:49:06

Registered: 2014-07-04
Posts: 1
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Weekly jam - Saturday April 5th, 19:00 UTC

I'm still trying to understand how it works…


#3 July 4, 2014 15:52:27

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1740
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Weekly jam - Saturday April 5th, 19:00 UTC

I'm still trying to understand how it works…

Hi singerpianoguitarsax,
Make sure you have downloaded and installed jammr from http://jammr.net/download.html.

Start the jammr program on your computer. It will bring up a dialog to select sound devices when launched the first time.

You need to select the input (recording) device and output (playback) device. For example, if you have plugged your guitar and headphones into a USB soundcard you should select the USB soundcard in both the input device and output device lists.

If you need to change the sound settings later, go to File | Settings… | Audio on Windows or jammr | Preferences | Audio on Mac in the menu bar.

Make sure USB sound devices are plugged in before starting jammr.

Finally, join a jam session. Go to File | Connect… in the menu bar to see the list of active jam sessions that you can join. If other musicians are online, you will see their jam sessions listed.

Hope this helps you get started,


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