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#1 Sept. 24, 2017 22:01:46

Registered: 2017-09-24
Posts: 3
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Interested ina Jammr Discord?

Hi! So I really like the idea of Jammr and would like to put together an interactive sort of “email list” of people who use it. I made a Discord group for a couple reasons:
It shows when you're online
It's very organized
A lot of people already have Discord
Once you find some people, just hop on over to jammr
You can chat! With voice and/or text!

Anyway yeah! I'm looking for people to join and people to help run it if they're interested!


#2 Sept. 26, 2017 07:12:04

Registered: 2012-11-11
Posts: 1735
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Interested ina Jammr Discord?

Cool idea!

By the way, to quickly check if anyone is jamming: open https://jammr.net/ and you'll see something like “3 users jamming now!” in the top right corner of the web page (under the social media icons). If no one is online then no message will be displayed.


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