March 27, 2018 02:18:24
volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor would be veryfine

Jammer works great, I really like the ability to synchronize my midi chain!
March 28, 2018 10:04:33
Hi funky,
What do you mean by “synchronize my midi chain”? jammr can send MIDI Beat Clock messages to the MIDI output. This allows you to synchronize MIDI devices to jammr's tempo (BPM).
March 22, 2020 17:20:35
volume faders per channel to create an individual mix for each contributor would be veryfine
I agreee it is ESSENTIAL!
March 23, 2020 00:01:14
agreed, and a pan control/ receive meters would be a nice compliment to volume.
March 24, 2020 09:19:58
There are no immediate plans to add volume faders because it comes with some disadvantages:
1. People will keep sending very loud or quiet audio and all other users will have to adjust their local volume faders to compensate. Today it's common practice to politely let others know if they are too loud/quiet in the chat and once they adjust their volume it is fixed for everyone.
2. The jams are recorded on the server and the mix will only be good if everyone's volume levels are reasonable. If we have local volume faders then the recorded jam mix will not be listenable.
Instead of adding volume faders I'd like to add VU meters and make the audio setup more user-friendly so that most users will have good volume levels from the start.
I hope you like this idea, but please discuss more if you feel strongly about volume faders.
March 25, 2020 13:42:04
I disagree with the compensation argument. The advantage to having channel faders is that someone could be playing loud enough for their own enjoyment without distracting others. Someone singing could turn down lead guitars so they could control their voice better, someone playing bass could turn the drums up in their mix to help lock in a good groove. I get it if its too hard to program or something, but people already have trouble figuring out sound levels (based on my last 4 hours of usage) so it hardly seems like it would make it worse, while giving a huge advantage to those who can utilize it. Anyone who has had their own unique headphone mix in the studio knows exactly what I'm talking about. We know lead players want to be louder….why should the rest of us have to suffer?

BTW I'm new to the program, but overall it seem pretty awesome so far.
April 6, 2020 01:25:32
What about a VU meter along with an input slider so each person can adjust so they aren't clipping.
And pan controls would be cool to separate when you have 2 guitarists.
April 12, 2020 14:23:56
people already have trouble figuring out sound levels (based on my last 4 hours of usage) so it hardly seems like it would make it worse, while giving a huge advantage to those who can utilize it.
This is a good point. Volume leveling is a pain point in jammr at the moment and we will definitely make improvements in this area. Thanks!
April 14, 2020 17:45:59
I disagree with the compensation argument. The advantage to having channel faders is that someone could be playing loud enough for their own enjoyment without distracting others. Someone singing could turn down lead guitars so they could control their voice better, someone playing bass could turn the drums up in their mix to help lock in a good groove. I get it if its too hard to program or something, but people already have trouble figuring out sound levels (based on my last 4 hours of usage) so it hardly seems like it would make it worse, while giving a huge advantage to those who can utilize it. Anyone who has had their own unique headphone mix in the studio knows exactly what I'm talking about. We know lead players want to be louder….why should the rest of us have to suffer? BTW I'm new to the program, but overall it seem pretty awesome so far.
Yeah, completely agreed. My band and I have been playing/recording with cans fairly extensively, using personal mixers that are invariably different from the main mix or what others hear, because everyone wants to hear themselves the loudest and obviously will have different requirements (bass player likes hearing a lot of kick, etc.).
May 14, 2020 11:58:42
It may be a good idea to integrate a volume levelling mixer for each channel on everyone's interface, but also allow any user to see the relative volume of their own sound on everyon else's mixer. This allows the user to adjust his input volume according to everyone else's preferences. I mean to say that if I am playing a super loud lead guitar, someone else can turn it down on their mixer by say -2dB. if I can see that then I know exactly how much I need to reduce my volume to suit everyone else in the room. Essentially, everyone votes for what my volume should be and I can choose to adjust it to that.