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So, my setup includes an older usb US-122 mkii Tascam audio/midi interface, and I use a Xenyx usb mixer to mix in some mics and a Kawai synth, and I insert the output from the mixer into the ‘lines in’ of the Tascam. Now, the internal soundbank of the Kawaii performs as expected, but I would love to be able to mix in a VST instrument played by the Kawaii from a Cantabile host on my Win 10 pc, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to output into jammr. I hear it in my headphones, but I believe it won't get past that. ??? Makes me think that there is much more involved in the routing of VST instruments.

I am thinking now that I need an audio interface that has a loopback feature. I see Steinberg has those kinds.

I should read more entries in this forum. I read that a Windows program: Voicemeeter is a good program that will help me with all these issues. I have installed Voicemeeter Banana and it sure looks promising!

Success!! With a little bit of experimenting and trial and error, I can now do what I wanted. I can mix a VST instrument from the Cantabile host and other inputs into what will present itself to Jammr. Now if only I could be a better Jammer!
When its vst Instrument from your computer you can choose it in settings-》 effect plug ins -》 Add
Choose the path where the .dll or .vst is locateted on your hd.
Turn on “play back my audio”
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