Hi! I'm wondering, how is it possible that in to program there are 0 user for a jam? this is a global program! i need to connect jammr to another server?
Sorry for my english
March 14, 2020 11:30:10
Hey soundwave, Visit jammr in evening…or tell people about it 😉 From 5pm (european time) to open end most people show up… but in times like theese it's possible that you will find other users earlier…
Looking forward to next jam with you D4n
Dec. 20, 2020 09:44:04
Dec. 20, 2020 20:24:23
owegiobia Deleted
The only thing thats deleted are your braincells.
Dec. 27, 2020 00:27:14
Hey we are here and online. Im in EST zone… and usually between 4 PM - 10 PM EST you can find people here. Hope to see you soon!
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