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Full Version: I hear myself, but nobody hears me
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I'm using a Mac with its internal mic and I'm wearing headphones. I hear myself strumming guitar. If I join a public jam, I hear players. But, no one is hearing me. Help!
have same issue, two mac users try to reach our session and they hear the jam and their instruments each but no one else can hear them
Do you have the Send button enabled in the bottom-right corner of the jammr window?

You can find an overview of the user interface here:
I have tried turning the “send” button and it still isn't working. I'm on windows 10.
I have looked around in setting and tried the send button but I can't get audio to send.
I have tried turning the “send” button and it still isn't working. I'm on windows 10.I have looked around in setting and tried the send button but I can't get audio to send.

charlie_chippo: Can you hear yourself through the headphones/speakers when “Play back my audio” is enabled in jammr's sound settings?
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