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Full Version: Can you increase the max BPI to 128?
Root » Wishlist and suggestions » Can you increase the max BPI to 128?
Lots of traditional tunes and dances are based on 32 bars of 4 beats, so having the max of 64 means that trad musicians can't explore jammr properly.

It would make jammr a lot more suitable for this rich source of music-making.

Hi Jan,
Thank you for the suggestion! I have added it to the todo list.

In the meantime you can reduce the tempo (BPM) by half and set BPI to 64 to play the chord progression in sync. In other words, each bar is played in 2 metronome clicks instead of 4.
I would totally support Jan's request. The current limit of 64 means that we can only play about 10% of the traditional music repertoire, whereas 128 would allow us to play about 80%

Would this just be a clientside code change? - If so, I might be tempted to have a go!
Thanks, Stefanha,
That's a good suggest…I should have thought of it myself!
I would totally support Jan's request. The current limit of 64 means that we can only play about 10% of the traditional music repertoire, whereas 128 would allow us to play about 80%Would this just be a clientside code change? - If so, I might be tempted to have a go!

No, the server is involved too (both the open source wahjamsrv and the closed source infrastructure that manages wahjamsrv instances on our servers).

Unfortunately it's not a trivial change that I can release quickly without much testing, so I've added it to the todo list (e.g. need to make sure jams with large BPIs are still recorded correctly).

However, you are very welcome to play with the code: Let me know if you have any questions or want to discuss an idea you'd like to implement.
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