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#1 March 28, 2020 03:08:40

Registered: 2020-03-27
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Can´t add any plugin

Hi, I've downloaded both Amplitube 4 and Bias FX, and I couldn't add none of them to Jammr. I tried with VST and VST3. I dont know what to do. I will be grateful if someone help me.



#2 March 28, 2020 13:16:08

From: Freiburg
Registered: 2018-10-20
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Can´t add any plugin

Did you set the directory path where the .vst or .dll is saved on your hd?
Settings -> midi effects….
To hear them when loaded correctly you have to activate “play back my audio” in audio settings.


#3 March 28, 2020 16:50:00

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Can´t add any plugin

Hi, I've downloaded both Amplitube 4 and Bias FX, and I couldn't add none of them to Jammr. I tried with VST and VST3. I dont know what to do. I will be grateful if someone help me.Thanks

Please make sure to install the 32-bit VST plugins. Usually the installer for plugins has options for 32-bit and 64-bit. jammr currently supports 32-bit VST plugins only.


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