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#1 March 31, 2020 19:24:04

Registered: 2020-03-24
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Quick-Start Guide Link

Hi all,
I just organised a little jam so I made a quick-start guide.
Kinda collating some info I found here and stuff I found from trial and error.
So I just thought I'd share it here in case anyone fancies it.
Cool program, worked nicely!


#2 April 9, 2020 23:14:02

Registered: 2020-04-05
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Quick-Start Guide Link

Thank you, that was very helpful.


#3 April 12, 2020 13:58:44

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Quick-Start Guide Link

That's great, thanks for sharing! I've added some more information that might be helpful below.

Here is an overview of the user interface: https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1727/
Here is a guide to jamming successfully: https://forum.jammr.net/topic/1724/


#4 April 15, 2020 18:43:36

Registered: 2020-04-15
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Quick-Start Guide Link

i just joined and have no idea how to use this site. Im trying to get back into playing acoustic. was in a band 40 years ago lol but stopeed when i got into a shop., im now retired
and want to start jamming with other people. no idea how to get started here. im still very rusty, been awhile


#5 April 16, 2020 17:17:50

Registered: 2020-04-16
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Quick-Start Guide Link

I am a vocalist and want to record a song with a pianist and guitarist that are elsewhere…..

Can we use Jammr and record our song simultaneously?

OR, do we have to record each part separately and then record on top of each other? Very new to this so hope this makes sense….

Also, will I need a special MIC with or without Headphones?


#6 April 17, 2020 11:08:13

Registered: 2013-06-03
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Quick-Start Guide Link

Hey sigboost, jammr is made for online improvisation and will not be a good fit for trying to record seomthing remotely. Try to read about the BPM feature on the forums to understand the tech


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