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#1 May 9, 2020 16:12:30

Registered: 2020-05-09
Posts: 1
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Hi - fiddle player from Long Island

Looking to jam with folks, bluegrass, old time, country rock, Celtic, Scottish, blues, just about any style.
Only problem, I can't see where to join a jam session on here. Perhaps some one can enlighten me - fiddle players are not noted for their technical savvy.


#2 June 9, 2020 01:16:31

From: Alberta
Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 42
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Hi - fiddle player from Long Island


I was pleasantly surprised to find others playing Traditional music.

I am playing with a Celtic Rock band. I can do all kinds of other styles, but if you want to - message when you want to fiddle around or just look for me in one of the rooms. Check out my messages and Recordings here on the Forum.

Keep bowing!

Hardy Braun
Talent is only the beginning!



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