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#1 May 1, 2014 19:54:20

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Weekly jam - Saturday May 3rd, 19:00 UTC

Join our weekly jam session on Saturday May 3rd, at 19:00 UTC:

  • Play jam sessions in different styles
  • The easiest way to try out jammr
  • Jam with musicians from around the world

USA - 3:00 PM EDT, 2:00 PM CDT, 12:00 AM PDT
UK - 20:00 GMT
Germany, France, Austria, Sweden, Denmark - 21:00 CET

More world times here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140503T1900

Come play with other jammr users!


#2 May 3, 2014 15:23:51

From: Lower Silesia, Poland
Registered: 2014-05-03
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Weekly jam - Saturday May 3rd, 19:00 UTC

I will join


#3 May 3, 2014 16:19:38

From: Savannah,GA
Registered: 2014-04-26
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Weekly jam - Saturday May 3rd, 19:00 UTC

Is there a time it will stop? USA EST


#4 May 3, 2014 16:27:35

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Weekly jam - Saturday May 3rd, 19:00 UTC

Paweu12: Cool, I look forward to jamming with you soon!

Tbryson07: Usually it runs about 2 hours and there is no fixed end time. We play until people get tired


#5 May 4, 2014 15:14:08

Registered: 2012-11-11
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Weekly jam - Saturday May 3rd, 19:00 UTC

Thanks for the jam DonKojote, Paweu12, Mr-Jonze, Tbryson07, voneeden, andhai, diibadaaba, and mdc!

We got a couple of hours of good jamming despite the server disconnects. Today I went back and debugged the problem. The server is now patched and much more stable.

I think it's time to put a max user limit on public jam sessions. It gets chaotic when more than 5 people play at the same time. Limiting public jam sessions to 5 people will encourage us to spread across 2 or 3 public jam sessions. Private jams will continue to be unlimited since they are custom and should allow flexibility. What do you think?


#6 May 4, 2014 15:26:14

From: Lower Silesia, Poland
Registered: 2014-05-03
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Weekly jam - Saturday May 3rd, 19:00 UTC

ok. I am ready for the changes!


#7 May 4, 2014 22:18:40

From: California, US
Registered: 2013-06-22
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Weekly jam - Saturday May 3rd, 19:00 UTC

I think that informing people in public channels that keeping to 5 people or less may provide a better experience is a good idea, but I think that it should be an informational notice/warning, rather than being enforced in software..

Beginners particularly often like to visit the channel and just listen and observe for a while before sending.

Alternatively, turning off Send by default for 6th and later joiners to a channel might help, with a dialog box that says “Send has been turned off because there are more than 5 people in this channel”

It's a tricky issue because we want people to have a good experience, but to be able to join channels with more than 5 people in them in an informed manner.

How about:

- First 5 people in a public channel have Send enabled
- After that, Send is turned off by default with a dialog box that warns that more than 5 people sending to a single channel may lower jam quality.
- Users can turn on Send anyway, but they have been warned of the possible consequences.


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